jeudi 20 décembre 2007

My sport.

My name is Travasa Thomas. My sport is football. When was little, i played football in Donzelle. I begin when i was 5 years old. Before in Donzelle i was striker and i played with Julien Delisle.

When i was 12 years old, i went in (selection genevoise des -12) and i meet, Jonas, Anthony, Romain and Frederic. A year later in selection genevoise des -13, Luca, joined the team.
When i was 13 years old, i went in Servette of Geneva. The first year i was captain, during the year i went to Payerne. It's a training center. Now, i'm 16 years old and i have to played since i was tree years. I am midfield defensive.

My coatch name is Alfredo Mosca. He is very demanding but right. With him, we are 5th, he is not happy and i think he is right because we can do much better.

Travasa Thomas

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